Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4 - Revelation of Pi

The whiteboard discussions of the suite of six labs went well overall. One class had two days of weak participation. The honors class that has been skeptical of discovering the relationships for themselves. Two students have even commented that they preferred getting the equations to start. At this week's discussion they got really jazzed up for the first time. When they discovered pi in the slope of the circumference vs. diameter model they spontaneously reacted out loud. I was a bit surprised that I saw no sign that they anticipated it, but pleased that they were beginning to enjoy the discovery process. Then when they found pi in the area vs. diameter model they really erupted. I wish I had been making a video. On the final whiteboard discussion of the pendulum period vs. length lab they joked about finding pi lurking again. The discussion carried over to the next day. One group looked up the formula for period and speared the discussion that led to finding pi again after the linearization. It was apparent that they had come around to appreciate constructive learning. On Friday we started the first worksheet and will alternate between quiz assessments and worksheets next week. I handed out a detailed list of Unit #1 learning goals and the simplified standards based grading I will follow. I plan to attach it as a score sheet for each quiz and the unit #1 test. I will highlight the subset of goals being assessed on each quiz and give the assessment of each. This is another idea that I must thank Frank Noschese for. I think that I am ready for "Keep It Simple SBG".

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Modeling Physics Week 3

All in all another great week. I learned a bit more about the process and even more about understanding how the students are doing. This process really tunes the teacher in to where the students are at. It is like a continuous assessment process. In the past I would think I knew if the students were understanding, but test results would tell a different story. Now as I observe their interactions while doing the experiment and whiteboard preparation I can see and hear what they are thinking. At times I even see that they are forging ahead to pull the other groups ahead. I begin thinking how I need to re-strategize. I love this continuous feedback! Our chemistry teacher observed my class during the second week and decided to give it a try on Friday in her honors class. She had her students model their experiment on whiteboards and had the same experience of witnessing realtime student assessment. She said that she abandoned her lesson plan and adjusted to where the students were. It was fun to share our mutual excitement. She e-mailed this weekend that she redid lesson plans for all of her classes in order to whiteboard on Monday.
The suite of labs with its variety of math models took longer than expected. Debriefing expectations from the previous week's took on whole class period pushing the start back one day. Each group did two of the six experiments, but it took two days to do the labs and two more to complete the whiteboards and record all information in their lab books. One class started the board meeting and completed group discussion of experiment one. I am looking forward to the discussions to come after seeing the great job students did on their boards!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 2 Modeling Physics

This week began with our first board meeting. The students did very well contributing from their own base of knowledge. Once again most everyone was engaged from beginning to end. The atmosphere is so mutually enjoyable seeing the details originate from the students and not me. If there was a shortcoming it was my own dealing with the tension of wanting to make progress and not so patiently coaching. Perhaps that was in my head only. I am glad that I have had three teachers and two administrators observing already. I appreciate their interest and encouragement. I will get their feedback this week. This weekend I've been looking over my notes from our modeling workshop to hopefully improve my questioning and do more listening next time. We also did a second round of white boarding to complete the graphing and data analysis expectations. I remain encouraged that modeling instruction is the way to go. Monday we will debrief and then begin the types of graphs suite of labs. I plan to have each group do one linear and one non-linear lab for my two conceptual physics classes. I am considering assigning one linear and two non-linear labs for my smaller honors physics class if they work faster. I am somewhat surprised that my honors class is more tentative and cautious. All students at our school are required to take physics. It is typically scheduled for 10 grade. At this point I have not differentiated the curriculums. During board meetings in particular the honors class are more likely to look in my direction and ask me questions rather than volunteer comments. I suppose that they are more skilled and comfortable with traditional instruction. I am sure they will come around soon. Looking forward to another great week modeling!

Monday, September 2, 2013

First Week of Modeling Physics

For the first full day of class we worked on getting to know group members and develop teamwork. To accomplish this we took the Marshmallow Challenge.
There were many good efforts with the highest marshmallow at 26.5 inches. On Wednesday we did a modeling adaptation of my usual uncertainty lab. Students wrote a hypothesis concerning the relative height of each student whether lying down or standing up. Would a meter stick give a precise enough measurement? Thursday was our first shot at white boarding. The students started by making a white board expectation list. Every class got everything on my prep list plus one I forgot. I was so pleased for this illustration of how involving everyone brings the best results! Students really worked on the white boards with enthusiasm. Creating the "White Board of the Week" added a competitive spirit.
The broad participation, enthusiasm and real contribution made Thursday the best day I have had teaching! I am hopeful that this continues as I look forward to our first board meeting after Labor Day. I am so glad to already see benefits from participating in the modeling workshop this summer!

First Academic Half Day and Parent Orientation

To start the academic year we just had a half day with students followed by an evening of parent orientation. I followed the advice of Steve Adams' "Quick Before It Dries: Setting the Pattern for Active Participation for Day One" article. In the 28 minutes we had I set up the room with chairs around the tables instead of past practice of all facing the front. Borrowing from Frank Noschese's lab group selection process, I gave students a card as they entered the room. On one side is the name of a president, element, scientist, car model, Disney character or planet. There are 3 or 4 from each category. Students were instructed to write their names on the back as they entered to avoid switching. Next they had to establish their groups by finding students with the same category and choose a table. The fun with all this is that many of the names fit more than one category. (Mercury, Ford, Lincoln, Neon, Saturn, Pluto, Cobalt for example). Students would ask me to which categories I meant and I would say, "You figure it out. You get to determine your groups." It seemed to go very well. Yes, we did distribute the syllabus and go over the highlights. That evening I had a whiteboard prepared and tried to explain how and why physics instruction was changing in 9 minutes per class. I told them to meet with me at the Parent/Teacher conference to compare notes on how it is going. They all seemed to buy in.